Legacy Trust and its partners have land and are looking at food production. Goats can give birth to more goats and enable the project to multiply so that there is more food for people to eat.
Food needs to be preserved so that it can be purchased and enjoyed by others. Legacy Trust is looking to buy freezers to preserve Goats Meat and other meat. This will enable farmers to have a point of sale for their meat, and enable residents to buy food from local markets.
a)One namy goat – 100 US$
b) Two commercial Cold Rooms – 40,000 US$.
A refrigerated pick-up truck – 30,000 US $. This will enable food to be collected from farmers and taken to the cold rooms.
Our target is to empowering households by raising funds for 2,000 goats in the first instance so that we can produce a lot of goats meat in Uganda and ensure there is sufficient food to buy across the nation.
We also want to raise funds for 2 commercial Cold rooms so that we can ensure there is always enough food and income for the different house holds.
A refrigerated truck would help farmers to know with absolute confidence that their food can be preserved and give them a guaranteed market for their perishable goods.
Please donate today. Donations can be made by online banking as follows:
Account Name: Links International
Account Ref: 3535
Sort Code: 30-99-86
Account Number: 00432695
Ref: Legacy Trust